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merriam webster

1 Translation result for to refrain in Spanish


refrain verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
refrained, has refrained, is refraining, refrains

Example sentences of
refrain verb

  • I was going to make a joke but I refrained.

Synonyms of
refrain verb

Detailed synonyms for refrain verb

Refrain, abstain, hold back significan el no permitirse, de forma voluntaria, el hacer o disfrutar algo.
  • Refrain connota muy a menudo el refrenar un impulso pasajero <the children were told to refrain from laughter in church>.
  • Abstain suele connotar una renuncia deliberada o abnegación por principio y a menudo, la permanencia de intención <vegetarians abstain from all meat>.
  • Hold back connota el no permitir que algo aparezca o sea conocido <he held back from responding>.

Reverse translation for to refrain

abstenerse  - to abstain, to refrain 
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